
30 Day Clean and Lean Programme

Confused about what to eat to lose weight?

Does the thought of the gym demotivate you?

Do you struggle with tiredness, exhaustion and low energy during the day?

Learn what to eat to lose weight and the secret to maintaining the weight loss!

Find out what exercise you can do to lose weight, tone up without going to the gym and not spending hours doing it!

Learn how to increase your energy levels throughout the day without feeling tired and exhausted today!

Juice Cleanse

3 day,5 Day, & 7day

Why a juice Cleanse?

  • Boost energy levels
  • Regulate blood sugar levels
  • Cleanses your system
  • Boosts immune system

What will you recieve?

Collect all your juices for which ever plan you would like to do. You will receive a full consultation, pre and post cleanse support guide, 5 cold pressed juices per day and aloe vera shots, a daily juice plan, juice recipes, plus much more!